Artemisia Annua - Qualität garantiert!

Our Artemisia Annua

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Artemisia Annua Ernte (September)

Cultivation and harvest

We attach great importance to the quality of our products - our Artemisia annua is grown regionally on our own fields in Germany and carefully harvested by hand. Due to special breeding, it is up to 20 times more effective than the wild form. The gentle processing and special drying ensure our high quality.
Our products!

Unsere Artemisia annua Produkte zeichnen sich durch höchste Qualität und Reinheit aus. Die Pflanzen werden sorgfältig ausgewählt und unter optimalen Bedingungen angebaut. Dies gewährleistet, dass alle wertvollen Inhaltsstoffe in ihrer besten Form erhalten bleiben. Unsere Produkte bieten eine hohe Bioverfügbarkeit, was ihre Wirksamkeit und Qualität zusätzlich unterstreicht.

Artemisia Annua - Die Ernte des einjährigen Beifußes (September)

Our Artemisia annua:

The annual mugwort from the daisy family is an approx. 1.5-2 meter high, fine-leaved plant that has been used primarily in Asia for over 2000 years.

We supply you with top quality Artemisia annua fresh from the harvest - just from the leaves, carefully harvested by hand, gently dried and grown on our own fields in Baden-Württemberg.

In the picture: Senior farmer Walter picking Artemisia.

What we stand for:

Artemisia Annua (ohne Blüten/August) - Forschung testete Pflanzen gegen Sars Cov 2 / Covid 19

Own cultivation

We grow our Artemisia annua regionally on our own fields in Baden-Württemberg.


We carefully harvest the mugwort leaves by hand over a period of several weeks. This means that no stems/branches are included. No machining is used.

Gentle drying

We dry our Artemisia annua in specially designed drying systems. The green color and the aromatic scent are retained by the gentle drying process.

Special breeding / seeds

Our Artemisia annua plants belong to a special breed that is 20 times more effective than the wild form.

Our annual mugwort is grown from hybrid seeds, i.e. seeds obtained from crosses. This means that the parent plants are self-pollinated over several generations until the specifically desired properties of the medicinal plant have been worked out. The parent line is bred to perfection.

High quality products

From seed to end product. Due to the careful processing, we deliver high-quality organic products of the highest quality.

    We stand for top quality. Our specially cultivated Artemisia Annua breeding is exceptional in Germany.

    We ship from Germany. Your order will therefore reach you within a few working days.

Facts, questions and answers

Artemisia annua: origin and properties

Artemisia annua is an annual mugwort, a plant that belongs to the daisy family.

The medicinal plant, which has its origins in Asia, has been used in traditional Chinese medicine (tcm) for 2000 years and is now also used in Central and Southern Europe, among other places.

The annual mugwort can grow up to 200 cm high. Its leaves are about 3 to 5 cm long and lush green even when young. The plants exude a fragrant, long-lasting, aromatic scent.

What made Artemisia annua famous?

In 2015, the Nobel Prize in Medicine for the discovery of the active ingredient artemisinin from Artemisia annua was awarded to Ms Youyou Tu, who studied and researched the plant.

She succeeded in isolating the plant substance artemisinin, which is used to treat malaria, from the annual mugwort. Artemisinin is an important component of the most effective drugs against malaria.

In addition to malaria research, there have been various studies in recent years that have examined the annual mugwort for its effect, e.g. against Sars Cov 2/Covid 19, parasites, fever, viruses, various infections and the ability to eliminate free radicals. The studies are, however, controversial in their validity, much debated and not officially recognised.

Translated with (free version)

What makes Artemisia annua special?

The plant Artemisia annua has many uses. Among other things, it is known for numerous active ingredients that are said to have anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial and immune system-strengthening effects.

We sell Artemisia annua exclusively as a herbal raw material without a specific purpose.

What ingredients are contained in Artemisia annua?

Artemisia annua is mainly known for its high artemisinin content, which is 10-20 times higher than in the wild form Artemisia vulgaris and is mainly used against malaria. So far, this active ingredient has only been found in annual mugwort.

Altogether, the plant contains over 245 active substances, including menthol, flavonoids, thymol, coumarin, minerals, zinc as well as some essential oils and bitter substances.

What should you look for when buying Artemisia annua?

Product quality is particularly important when buying. Most of the active ingredients are contained in the juicy green leaves of the plant. The stems or even yellow/brown leaves of annual mugwort have few to none of the important ingredients.

During harvesting, we take special care to ensure that no brown/yellow leaves and stems of the plant or soil get into the end product by harvesting exclusively by hand.

Through several quality controls, we can guarantee a high and clean product quality.

Plant Artemisia annua yourself: Cultivation and care

The annual mugwort belongs to the so-called "light germinators", which is why a location with plenty of sun should be guaranteed. We recommend growing it in advance, e.g. indoors, as the plant does not tolerate frost. In mid-May, the plant can then be transplanted outdoors to the appropriate location (e.g. in the garden). When sowing, make sure that the seeds get enough light. The seeds should therefore only be covered by a light layer of soil. It is also important to give the annual mugwort enough space to develop. The individual plants should be 60-80 cm next to or away from each other.

The young plant needs regular watering. Only when the plant is about 10-20 cm high and a larger root system has formed, can regular watering of the mugwort be discontinued.

It is not advisable to sow the seeds in October, as they are usually mixed with the ineffective seeds of the fast-flowering wild form. This significantly reduces the quality of the plant leaves.

Further information on cultivation and harvesting can be found here.

When is Artemisia annua harvested?

The harvest of our annual plants takes place over several weeks from the end of June to the end of October.

How is Artemisia annua harvested?

The annual mugwort is harvested by hand. This is very time-consuming, but also unavoidable to guarantee good quality.

Is Artemisia annua perennial?

Artemisia annua is, as the name Artemisia (mugwort) annua (Latin for annual) suggests, an annual and should not be confused with the perennial mugwort Artemisia vulgaris.

Ist Artemisia annua winterhart?

The Artemisia annua plant does not tolerate frost. It is an annual mugwort plant.

Therefore, Artemisia annua should be resown and replanted year after year.

What is the difference between Artemisia annua and "common" mugwort?

The "common" or perennial mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) differs from the annual mugwort (Artemisia annua) in many respects. While perennial mugwort grows wild along roadsides in large parts of Germany, annual mugwort is grown from a hybrid seed and can therefore only be found in specially established fields. The related plants also differ in appearance, both in flowering and in their leaves. While the perennial mugwort has a rather dark leaf colour and inconspicuous flowers, the annual mugwort has juicy green leaves about 3 to 5 cm long and rarely flowers.

Einjährige Beifuß in der Küche

Der Einjährige Beifuß, auch bekannt als Artemisia annua, findet nicht nur in der Medizin, sondern auch in der Küche Verwendung. Die Blätter der Pflanze haben einen charakteristisch bitteren Geschmack und können als Gewürz in verschiedenen Gerichten verwendet werden. Sie eignen sich hervorragend zur Verfeinerung von Salaten, Suppen und Eintöpfen. Zudem kann aus den Blättern ein wohltuender Tee zubereitet werden, der die Verdauung fördert und den Appetit anregt. Der Einjährige Beifuß ist somit nicht nur eine Heilpflanze, sondern auch eine kulinarische Bereicherung.

Does Artemisia annua help against COVID-19?

In order to successfully treat malaria patients, the annual mugwort (Artemisia annua) is administered in many African countries, e.g. as a herbal tea. Allegedly, the intake and antiviral effect of Artemisia annua there has also helped COVID-19 patients. However, there are currently no officially recognised scientific studies that prove the effectiveness of artemisinin or herbal extracts from Artemisia annua against SARS-CoV-2 viruses.

Due to the legal situation in Germany, we sell Artemisia annua exclusively as a herbal raw material, without a specific purpose.
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Der einjährige Beifuß im September (ohne Blüte/Garten)

The history of Artemisia annua

"Artemisia annua"" - What sounds like a magic spell at first is merely another name for annual mugwort. A plant that is still quite unknown even under its German name and leaves even plant connoisseurs with many a question mark. What is behind the "mysterious" Artemisia annua plant?

We take you into the history of the annual mugwort.

The annual mugwort has many names and designations. Qing Hao, Sweet Sagewort, Sweet Wormwood, Ajenjo dulce, Sweet Wormwood or Artemisia annua. The latter is also the botanical name of the plant. Artemisia stands for mugwort, annua is Latin and means annual.

The plant originates from Asia. It needs a lot of sun and light and above all does not tolerate temperatures below zero. That is why it has only been found in China, Vietnam and northern India since the beginning of history. The related perennial mugwort, on the other hand, has been growing in Europe for centuries. Even the Romans and Greeks reported on the miraculous healing properties of mugwort.

The importance of the plant in various cultures and religions can be seen in the names given to the medicinal herb among these peoples. The Greeks gave mugwort the name of Artemis, the Greek goddess of hunting and the forest. The Persians named it after their beloved queen Artemisia. In ancient Rome, the plant's products were known as "Diana's herb". Named after the goddess Diana (goddess of the protector of nature). The Romans used mugwort in many ways and treated various women's ailments with it, such as menstrual cramps. Another legend claims that mugwort was grown along Roman roads so that legionaries could put it in their shoes to treat aching feet. The German ancestors, the Celts and Germanic tribes also used Artemisia to strengthen their organism. They gave the medicinal plant the name "Mugwurz" (Celtic for "to strengthen", "to warm"), as it was highly recognised for strength and protection. The ancient Egyptians, in turn, used mugwort as a ritual plant during processions, as the herb of the goddess Isis.

For a long time, the plant was considered lost until the First World War, when isolated hospitals used Artemisia to suppress the spread of disease.

During the Vietnam War, the annual mugwort Artemisia annua became known again to a greater extent in our circles. During this time, countless soldiers fell ill and died of malaria, which is why science was forced to find an antidote against the disease, which could not be contained. A little later, one of the most potent substances, artemisinin, was identified and isolated from the plant Artemisia annua.
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